Creating elements in a rung (with new link element or an And/Or link)

Neuron Power Engineer provides the following possibilities in order to create elements within a rung.

In this article:
  1. Click one of the following elements within the palette.


    This element will be created:

    normally open contact

    normally closed contact

    positive transition sensing contact

    negative transition sensing contact


    negated coil

    set latch coil

    reset latch coil

    positive transition sensing coil

    negative transition sensing coil

    function or function block

    See "Contacts in LD" und "Coils in LD" for details on the types of contacts and coils.

  2. Only necessary, if you have clicked : Click one of the names for the functions and functions blocks that are listed in the search field right of .
    Alternative 1: Click one of the names or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key.
    Alternative 2: Enter one or more letters. This displays a list with all elements fitting your input. Then click one of the names in the reduced list.

  3. Move the mouse pointer  onto one of the following elements within the rung:

    Target element


    Link element

    The new element is inserted into the link element (i.e., into the line). Here an And link is created.

    Contact, coil, function or function block

    The new element is inserted parallelly to the contact, coil, function or function block. This creates an Or link.

    Result: The target element is displayed with dashed lines to indicate that the new element can be inserted.

  4. Press the primary mouse button in order to create the element with the corresponding link. If you do not want to create the element and the link, first click onto any empty area and then press the ESC-key.

    1. Result for a contact and coil: An input field is opened in order to assign a variable to the contact or coil. By default, the ENO output is suggested. 
      Accept the ENO-output by pressing the Enter-key. Alternatives: Declare a new variable or enter an existing variable that is assigned to the contact or coil.Result: The element is inserted into the rung. The auto layouting feature takes care that the element is positioned on the best spot.

    2. Result for a function and function block: The function or function block is inserted into the rung. The EN-input and ENO-output are connected with the line. Here, the auto layouting feature takes care as well that the element is positioned on the best spot.

Variant: Creating several elements of the same type faster by using the palette

  1. Again, click one of the above-mentioned elements within the palette. Or select the name of the function of the function block in the search field.

  2. In order to create the 1st element:

    1. Press and hold the Ctrl-key.

    2. Move the mouse pointer  onto a target element while you are holding the Ctrl-key.

    3. Press the primary mouse button in order to create the element with the corresponding link.

  3. In order to create the 2nd element:

    1. Again, press and hold the Ctrl-key.

    2. Again, move the mouse pointer  onto a target element while you are holding the Ctrl-key.
      (info) The new target element might even be part of a different rung.

    3. Press the primary mouse button in order to create the element with the corresponding link.

  4.  Repeat the steps as many times as you want to create elements.

Using the content assist

When you create a new element, the following elements are created depending on the fact which element you have selected when the content assist is started:

  • a new link element,

  • an And link within the link element or

  • an Or link for the existing link element.

Creating an element within a new link element

  1. Select a rung.

  2. Press Ctrl+Space.
    Result: A list with commands is displayed. 

  3. Click one of the following commands or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key


    This element will be created:

    Create Link with Normally Open Contact

    A new link element (i.e., a line) from the left to the right power rail is inserted.
    The corresponding contact is inserted into this link element.

    Create Link with Normally Closed Contact

    Create Link with Positive Transition Sensing Contact

    Create Link with Negative Transition Sensing Contact

    Create Link with Coil

    A new link element (i.e., a line) from the left to the right power rail is inserted.
    The corresponding coil is inserted into this link element.

    Create Link with Negated Coil

    Create Link with Set Latch Coil

    Create Link with Reset Latch Coil

    Create Link with Positive Transition Sensing Coil

    Create Link with Negative Transition Sensing Coil

    (info) If you want to close the list with the commands without creating the element, click the primary mouse button outside the list or press the ESC-key
    An input field is opened in order to assign a variable to the contact or coil. By default, the ENO output is suggested. 

  4. Accept the ENO-output by pressing the Enter-key. Alternatives: Declare a new variable or enter an existing variable that is assigned to the contact or coil.Result: The element is inserted into the rung. The auto layouting feature takes care that the element is positioned on the best spot. 

  1. Select a connection link.

  2. Press Ctrl+Space.
    Result: A list with commands is displayed. 

  3. Click one of the following commands or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key


    This element will be created:

    AND Normally Open Contact

    The corresponding contact is inserted into the link element (i.e., into the line). Here an And link is created.

    AND Normally Closed Contact

    AND Positive Transition Sensing Contact

    AND Negative Transition Sensing Contact

    AND Coil

    The corresponding coil is inserted into the link element (i.e., into the line). Here an And link is created.

    AND Negated Coil

    AND Set Latch Coil

    AND Reset Latch Coil

    AND Positive Transition Sensing Coil

    AND Negative Transition Sensing Coil

    (info) If you want to close the list with the commands without creating the element, click the primary mouse button outside the list or press the ESC-key
    An input field is opened in order to assign a variable to the contact or coil. By default, the ENO output is suggested.

  4. Accept the ENO-output by pressing the Enter-key. Alternatives: Declare a new variable or enter an existing variable that is assigned to the contact or coil.Result: The element is inserted into the rung. The auto layouting feature takes care that the element is positioned on the best spot. 

  1. Select a contact, coil, function or function block that already exists within the rung.

  2. Press Ctrl+Space.
    Result: A list with commands is displayed. 

  3. Click one of the following commands or select it (by using the mouse or the cursor movement keys) and press the Enter-key


    This element will be created:

    OR Normally Open Contact

    The corresponding contact is inserted parallelly to the coil, function or function block. This creates an Or link.

    OR Normally Closed Contact

    OR Positive Transition Sensing Contact

    OR Negative Transition Sensing Contact

    OR Coil

    The corresponding coil is inserted parallelly to the coil, function or function block. This creates an Or link.

    OR Negated Coil

    OR Set Latch Coil

    OR Reset Latch Coil

    OR Positive Transition Sensing Coil

    OR Negative Transition Sensing Coil

    (info) If you want to close the list with the commands without creating the element, click the primary mouse button outside the list or press the ESC-key
    An input field is opened in order to assign a variable to the contact or coil. By default, the ENO output is suggested.

  4. Accept the ENO-output by pressing the Enter-key. Alternatives: Declare a new variable or enter an existing variable that is assigned to the contact or coil.Result: The element is inserted into the rung. The auto layouting feature takes care that the element is positioned on the best spot.